If you are looking for a great/awful Christmas movie, then believe or not, you've got options. So what makes Santa's Slay worth checking out? First off, it's only about 70 minutes long so you're not committing to much, and it's packed with wholesome holiday fun. While some of the other Santa slashers get a bit horror-y and dark, this movie stays pretty lighthearted with all the Christmastime puns you can imagine (and then some) and plenty of peppy Christmas music. Seriously, enough with the Christmas music. But don't worry! It is still genuinely a bad movie, and not just a tongue-in-cheek-winking-at-the-audience kind of bad movie. It's bad in more of a there-is-a-former-professional-wrestler-in-the-lead-role-and-who-in-god's-name-is-proofreading-this-story kind of way. Plus there are a lot of deaths. And if none of that grabs you, how about some fantastic cameos?