Our next event is the night of Santa Con and as you may or may not know, there are a LOT of Santas out that day. To help prepare you for the mayhem you are sure to witness, we put together this checklist of all the different flavors of Santa you might encounter (think of it like a Santa-bingo card). See if you can recognize each of the movies pictured below and look for a link to the answers at the end. And before you start shouting at me that "Hey! Mean Girls is an excellent movie and I am looking forward to Lindsay Lohan's soon-to-be-resurgent career with great interest," don't worry, I know! Not ALL of these movies are awful, just most of them. Good luck matching up the pictures with their movie titles and keep your eyes peeled for all these Santa varieties on Dec 15th.
So much to see! If you think you know Santa Claus, check yourself against the answers here.