For as good as Nic Cage's acting was in Drive Angry (ie, not very), it was really the stories of some of the supporting characters that we found most interesting. Take his sidekick Piper (Amber Heard, *whistle*) for example. Before Milton came along, she was happily working as a diner waitress to support her deadbeat husband Stone Cold Steve Austin. Sure, her plan of withholding sex to get a marriage proposal backfired but otherwise she seemed to have it together. Then along comes Milton and all of a sudden she is "with him 'til the end," shooting cops and adopting babies, because... well, because, um, he's charming?? Seriously, we get THAT, but come on girl you can have a rebound for a little bit less drama.
And then what is with this Accountant guy? He definitely lends some street cred to accountants the world over, but what makes him tick exactly? Granted, Milton is running around killing people ahead of schedule and generally mucking up his accounts, that's gotta be frustrating. But the Accountant seems a little bit out of control himself. And what about his Two-Face-esque coin? Two-Face is a psycho obsessed with random chance, but the Accountant should be exact and precise... and WHY do the cops get so easily distracted by a quarter? If you were a cop about to shoot a suspected dangerous criminal and you yelled "Freeze!" and he was all like, watch this coin I just threw into the air, would you (a) watch the quarter with your mouth agape or (b) fire because of sudden movement? Clearly this film chooses (a).